Dear Guardians and Students, Greetings! We hope you enjoyed a wonderful festive season. We want to..
Read All2024-06-16
Dear Parents and Guardians, We would like to inform you that the school will remain open..
Read All2024-05-10
Dear Guardians, Greetings, This is a gentle reminder that on Monday, 31 Baishakh, 2081, we will be..
Read All2024-04-04
आदरणीय अभिभावकज्यू, नमस्कार ! शैक्षिक सत्र २०८० को वार्षिक परीक्षाको नतिजा प्रकाशन मिति २०८० चैत्र २४ गते
Dear Guardian, This is to kindly inform you that the ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2080 will be held..
Read All2024-03-07
यस सूर्योदय आ.मा.वि. ले आफ्नो ३८ औँ वार्षिकउत्सवका सु–अवसरमा आयोजना गरिने अभिभावक दिवसमा यहाँहरूको गरिमामय
Read All2024-03-04
Dear Guardians, Greetings! This is to kindly inform you that the tuition classes and remedial classes of..
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